Monday, August 14, 2006

Fuckshit of the Past

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4/27/2006 Edit 2 sien adi..
mouse View Delete
Framed Langkawi Pic~!!..keke

Riquelme kena paid la~!!

4/11/2006 Edit Site GG? Only if you want it to be.
tsencai View Delete
This site won't be gg-ed only unless you want it to be. WHere is my last post? Kononnya say site gg i put up post now admin. deleted it.

4/11/2006 Edit Site GG? Only if you want it to be.
tsencai View Delete

3/30/2006 Edit site gg
HH of GG View Delete
this site gonne gg soon due to contributors who spend more of their time on MSN. estimate closure sometime soon, maybe ill recr8 one for spamming when sien

3/16/2006 Edit LA FM is undone
tsencai View Delete
Good to see that most of us are still w/ the MG counterparts. I'm glad my last msg was clear and effective. Our loyalties sees no bounds. Good job.

LA FM is undone. So much for the snakress :)

3/09/2006 Edit mg keen has fallen
HH of GG View Delete
nay...they shall not influence us...but i must agree that the latter is true. She is a snakress and a big bait as well. Sheng draw up just making some changes, saturday we shall take em and have everyone vote.

3/09/2006 Edit We are MG...
tsencai View Delete
not LA F.M-erS!

Are you not proud of an MG? (actually, technically nothing to be proud about)

Wat's wt LA FM? When i first saw it on my msn contact list i thought "What the hell and whats this LA FM and frequency 23.6?"

What happen to our MG loyalists?

Apparently for those who don't know, LA FM stands for Lame Family and the so-called frequency 23.6 is the date the LA FM was found; 2nd of March 2006.


So that's LA FM..what about the founder?

It seems the two-to-be guilty of being founders of this LA FM is SengCheong and PekYING!!

I'm guessing that PekYing must've somehow wrapped SengCheong on her little finger and managed to convinced...wait...

convinced sounds too formal....i prefer persuaded..

So as SengCheong was was Nickson..

Firstly it was 2..then 3...then numbers began to pile up..

Even MG Superior KEEN has been persuaded.

Looks like PekYing is a little snakress herself.

It is seen here in this scenario, that MG's are easily propagandized by a little snakress! This is totally unacceptable.

Remaining MG's pls do not convert over. We shall stay loyal and loyalists we will be.

3/08/2006 Edit 55 rate cb logo
HH of GG View Delete

3/06/2006 Edit Faces of MG
tsencai View Delete
Some of you readers might wanna know who's are these people who write such utter nonsense on such a blog. is your lucky (unlucky) day.

Scene: Sunway University College, Inspiration Square HH of GG

Scene: Sunway University College
Tikus.Scene: Pasar Malam, SS2
ShengJoule..but is not one of the bloggers.
Lastly, this is Mango. So now you all know who this "Mango" is.

tsencai, last of the Wranglers, signing off.

3/04/2006 Edit Official Reports
tsencai View Delete
Greetings everyone,

Putting aside that this blog will be a memoir for the lives of the MG, this blog will also serve as a Report Cabinet. Any sightings/proof/evidence/reports of any what-so-ever activity is strongly encouraged to be posted here. Once posted, an administrator or an MG Superior (Keen) will review the entry, and will be launched upon immediate approval.

Oh and just for your information, a Report is already being generated even as i type this sentence.

That is all.

Your friendly MG neighbourhood wrangler,


- the last of the Wranglers

*edited- violation of previous post.

*edited - removed the cause of violation.

3/03/2006 Edit Report - Requires Finalizing before launched for post
tsencai Draft Delete

This is a sreport. I haven't begun the report yet, but have posted the evidence already. I will only begin full reporting when i've been giving the final word that the report shall be finalized.

MG tsencai - Wrangler Elite

3/03/2006 Edit wtfmg revived
HH of GG View Delete
Wah friggin long never touch...oni Josh dunno why suddenly do this that our MG superior Keen is back so update this place loh.

7 max posts on 1st page.
Less chou wa
More posts
The word "snake" is removed from wtfmg on March 1st, 2006 on Cwen's day.
Upcoming long term-more-than-1-week-aka.-gg-plans will be posted here.

2/28/2006 Edit MG Taylor's 2005 - AC Scene
tsencai View Delete
Alright MG's, again we have an update. Since MG superior Keen has urged an immediate update on the MG blog.

Anyways, today my class ended at 11.30am, so i had to pei alone after class. Nicky's chiq also left for redbox immediately after class, so i'm left alone and nobody to snake :P haha...nola. I don't snake. So doesn't make any difference. So, as i was having my lunch @ the pink shop behind the Sunway campus, i was browsing through photos in my handphone, reminding me of the days back at Taylor's, and...

I found all these; enjoy :]

This is Sean. and he's very expressive with his words...

This is Sheng. Never ever pinjam him money.

WAH GG! I pray that you won't experience nightmares tonight. Well that's all for now. I don't really use my hp as a camera nor do i bring a camera everywhere i go so don't expect my updates to be photo-ful unlike true blue bloggers.

2/20/2006 Edit MG @ KLIA
tsencai View Delete
Alright MG's, yet we have another update thanks to my strong initiative to keep this blog alive. Today our Gan of MG left for Melbourne Uni. to further his studies. Apparently he's taken up dentistry.
Anyway enough talk. The pictures may talk for themselves. MG.
After McD's. Going off soon.
This didn't turned out too well. The photographer didn't held a steady hand.

This picture w/ flash didn't turn out so well. Gan if you're reading this; All the best in Melbourne. Take care, be good, behave yourself, and God bless.

2/18/2006 Edit BBQ @ Gan's
tsencai View Delete
Alright MG's, we have an update.

Escaping. this is what happens if i stay up longer than 24hours.

1/08/2006 Edit ZHONg CHe pT: 6
O' wen View Delete
My full report on how the FUCK i langgar car, and im still NOT gonna start an account cos, BLOGGING IS GAY!!!!!!!! FUCKERS. ( hogene)Wtf mcb, fkin whole fkin gang kena langgar car! Duwan to waste time tok cock like that cb stone, so i'll get straight to the damn story...Fkin 1st day of coll, kena con by frens, say coll start 10am, ccb i slept 4am, wake up so fkin early, wanna ask my mom fetch, she not fkin at home. Den go there, dota, dota, ONI!! WTF!! Finally, was about to go back Dj to dota when...... On the fkin LDP, ccb trafic slow like hailong, somore i sleepy like cock oni.... suddenly got this fkin FAT bitch ( actually i dunno if shes fat or not but i bet she was cos ALL fat ppl are fucked up) CCB, so 7 fat, go makan JAM!! So wtf la, no choice la ccb, every1 behind oso terpaksa makan JAM lor. Den this sad fuck JAbbed her fkin ass la, but the 2 other cars behind managed to stop in time. BUT got 1 more sad fuck, (me) the last car la, terpaksa makan JAM oso, but not hungry, so end up my car go skiing, and GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! Anyway, the fkin waja ASS damn 7 hard, kena jab still a lil dent oni, my fkin honda, soft dick, kemek kao become GAyhai's hailong (u noe who u are gayhai)... repairs around 2-3k. HOnda city BFF 738 di-GG-kan for a fkin month.............. (ccb cannot snake oso) (haha JK la, i where got snake 1)
Mahai den my mom very damn smart, say this yr BAD BAD yr for me wor, according a bastard from a fkin temple. FUck him la.. ccb... den she ask me to start believeing in GOD! ( so can avoid accidents) i give her a big LANCIAO la. POint a gun at me oso i duwan......
So folks, if u were wonderin how the fuck i destroyed my car, there u go
P/S : This is my 1st post, and will probably b my last (unless i fkin zhong che again la knn)till Then............... PEACE-OUT!!!!
-GENE- a.k.a AeoN FluX

1/08/2006 Edit Langkawi: Prologue
HH of GG View Delete
It all started when nickson said "No!" Fucker cb kia chauhai fuck n die lah u snaker hai..

....okok... starting starting that time after pangkor ah another snaker called mango said "Ei lets make another mg trip lah!" then we all oso yeah can oso holiday mah might as talk talk like early december...then this joule said he plan 30th dec!! wah nyasengnya!! pangkor 3 days 2 nite we not song we want 4 days 3 nite....cb then end oso monday next day college??!! apa lancheow time wei!!

all oso dulan but most can go lah...only nickson say he consperm cannot edi cos duno years gua cb kia snake just tell us least he told us early u know...the rest cb 1 the week before the trip oso havent 50% of them i ok the planners all diu loh...anyways they all paid already with their money ok lah settle then after all the staying n accomodations all settle d noww....time to fucking get them to confirm

the fucking nite b4 the trip mahai ....some still not sure cb kia some say "crash car no money then cannot go", some say "eh my family lah" all fucking code 1!!! next time dun fucking believe edi all means same thing = snake chauhai! lucky last minute this gene n jin n cwen all "suddenly" can woh...lucky lah cos we book bus standard punye payment at least less abit not bad lah huh...

Log for yi lu xiang bei

29th Dec- today i chilling like fuck wake up 2.00 wah..ngam ngam after exam...sleep more lah cb suddenly my fucking handphone ring! it's the call!! mch so fucking early call edi fuck! never do shit oso terpaksa go edi so ... finish edi fucking pei all oso pei kau infront of netmaster wah feel sick edi now evening..then jim follo parents out then drop kau at my hse dinner...then later use msn...sheng said go williams at dota again meh...then call all come to my hse 1st lah...then nickson fetch us out...since no one drive...all gonna go trip...we wait loh....wait kau kau nickson say he fetch marcus...fucking LONG!! 1 hour oso belum sampai then yew ming drive all cram kau his car loh....then on the way we all talk talk oi yew ming go lah the trip cb sure syok punye all go oni lah ... farn chat him like fuck finally he agreed mahai still got time he drive back go pack..oh not yet!! he drive us go long kai visit street go fucking buy shampoo!!! all pei kau the whole way wait till he finish packing then go dota loh....cwen meet at his house summore fucking car cram like fuck then reach prox also feel like shit edi...

wah dota summore!! lucky joule there so we terpaksa stop at 11.30 or we kena fuck so got myself a famous tommy burger then go home all wait at my hse then see san tou we all oso go to school loh. ho gene see all d snaker's cars he go kick em lol i think nickson's quite siong. bus also waiting edi we all then go in loh....when we step up into the bus then oni we know the fucking damage of renting one...........

1/03/2006 Edit fucking cb college
HH of GG View Delete
mahai fucking long never posted edi cos fucking gg from trip today extra gg go college come back dota summore .... lancheownya....
mch...i free i confirm post fucking langkawi 1 .. fucking gger's ffkers u all gg lah it's fucking gg leh....go there keng like fuck u pei oso can drink n forget everything then wake up like restart com...superb way to enjoy....the main thing is drink leh...i write fucking long post for it lah fucking joule better send pics first...mahai i drink like fuck i hope i can remember everything

12/10/2005 Edit mch i think.....
HH of GG View Delete
i think all fucking the lancheow cb all go fucking either out dunno wtf they do got lost in d jungle or never come out or what other fuckshit so...

Today lah wake up also no rest cb kia straight away have to go futsal mch subang summore!! fucking gg edi so far go pick up injuries summore...but all these nvm lah at least can eat there enough edi...fucking money gg summore then some say got to go meeting on saturday so fucking d vague wtf say properly then tell lah KNN

but that not the thing that makes me think u know...i think alot of things like sex ah tfk ah alot more lah but u read sure condemn ......

after dinner have to fetch fei hai back....too bad cwen terpaksa go so fucking far no petrol summore...we chill there for a while then cb terpaksa move loh cwen have to go home eat dinner
so...he also dun wanna drive back alone lah... few days ago he send me back suddenly near the smkdj sch we all tok kok syok then ...his car lock go lock n unlock repeatedly...shoop..shoop....shoop

i oso nyamachibai ur car got wat fucking problem then he say fix d wan wtf happen..
so i think today he still remember so i follow him loh

go highway...wah nearly miss q go down dunno where can get lost 1 the fucking road sign block another road sign i also noob no life 1 never go highway alot dunno where the fuck going..

reach dj...wah syok lah can go home shower later ken come pick me up cbbb have to go play summore knn my pocket. red light at the smkdj junction diu the car in front never move kena horn so 7 loud like hornet summore i oso wtf lah knn patience lah so kap for what....then the car move cwen also belok lah to my hse..


12/02/2005 Edit logo
HH of GG View Delete
u all want fucking shirt fast also must make nicely lah ...fucking simply oni i mmsun fucking sheng's design like fuck liddet go copy ppls 1....mch next few days here is the place to vote i put d pictures both sheng n mine n any other contributors(fucking inform me anyfucking thing also can kena chuin/praise not my problem)
then put pic edi got numbering then all comment choose who like eg:

1. Vote for A/B/C/D... (1 vote oni)
2. Why u choose this : eg hou lan keng arr!! / looks like a logo to me/ others like fuckshit liddet of course this la

11/30/2005 Edit waaaaahhh cibaikia!!!!! now we all in fuckin pro-x...
tikus View Delete
waaaaahhh cibaikia!!!!!
now we all in fuckin pro-x playing gay hai spiral hero defense.....
all the other heros fkin gg 7 the creeps but my hero leh...wanna chop creeps kuku off oso not powerful enuflar.....sohai draenei assassin go pak chiew chenglar...sohai game no fun oso......sien until mango oso fall asleep by the com......didnt know mangos needed to sleep wan.....luckily my com fatal error so now got time enter pei hai blog entry....aihh they all still duwan to quit the sohai game.....cibai sien like darryl sien onlee...ah fucklarr another gg

11/28/2005 Edit Joon's Tribute to Emma Watson..SHE LOVES ME
Thee Lord Jooneth View Delete
This is Me & Emma Watson, WITH SIGNATURE
Yes, I met Emma Watson ,we held hands, kissed..then she removed my wizard robes HAHAHAHAA

Sorry fuckers...I snake the godddesss first AHAHAHA.

11/28/2005 Edit testing ...damn gay
mouse Draft Delete

11/24/2005 Edit d pangkor trilogy
HH of GG View Delete

Part 2

I see all black color....then like Jack when lost liddet suddenly eyes terbeliak...nyamachauchibai!!! siong like fuck my neck fucking batu serembans....i terpaksa sleep at ground floor summore...fucking d hot!!...then hear rain i also know the fucking snorkeling plan GG contd sleep lah....all also half sleeping 1 or 2 wake up also pei at bed dunno wtf they i fucking go 1st floor gg there for a while

Since everyone so ham7 sebei give them free room also dun want to stay so 12.00 must fast fast check out loh. When gg'ing up there fucking cwen execute stretching from hell wah lan eh no place to sleep ccbbb then joule's phone keep ringing summore dunno wtf for wah GG!!! lucky that time after 7 i sleep quite d cukup d or i take both cwen and the phone go fucking throw out the 1st floor. Suddenly they wake me up say 11.00 edi must gg fast so all pack bag bathe n chow for good

After go out cb like fuck liddet carry luggage baggage like segregated sewage cabbage go walk d village summore. wah lucky yesterday got go scout abit nearby got nice restaurant opened (cos that day nyamachibai no fucking tong open cos holiday) so go gg there makan. Food there like normal lah price so cheap cannot complain...but after eating chat abit ...quite sien we sit two table one mouse jim me sit one sien d wanna tok with others KNN!! all fucking kena gg disease anything also say gg beh fucking tahan edi i ask them later do what? they reply "gg" then go where? "gg" then wtf u talking? "gg" again so i dulan stone kau 1 corner.

After lunch we walk heading jetty then got taxi/van come so we take it use 10 bucks go to coral bay...yesterday all pay booking edi so go there stay new place lah at least better. They say last time they come pangkor for d leisure camp they stay there so they know quite nice lah so follow oni loh. Reach there finally got real d air cond at least can feel cool 1 then soon we all gg in the room loh. There got 2 floors 1 i think 3 room...u wanna check em our urself ask the videos from joule/mouse they got fucking joule lazy upload oni or u can see MG CRIBS we make our own so ppls can learn from d mistakes. So after a while chill in d aircond n all then all also wanna go swim in d sun so all change again then go out

Since the wave at the coral beach so fucking small they say dun play better knn like dip inside salt water 1 hour osmosis also confirm die, then we all go down alot along the beach...until 1 place see wave all also can tafeikei..then we stop there n get off. There got cb seibei nice beach but water ok oni and side there got fucked up stalls never open damn fucking ugly summore...then all put clothes one side go swim loh. walaneh over there fucking wave u see in clip is the smallest edi...those fucking big one ... need skill to survive one...or sure kena makan. they say 1 way is jump over the tip of the wave when it curving in...then confirm can...but if the wave so fucking high i try jump wah pukimak cannot reach!! = GG kena slam on beach if u not lucky can can twist like twister confirm pain n i oso drink dunno seibei litres of water d cb so if u like to know how it feels like going to die but never die/ wanna see if your life can flash back all annot go try d wave lah

Then come out this joule fucking cb also lah he wanna bury this nickson/sze ming then we all dulan in the we dress him up take pic all those wanna take revenge 1 whack chat him ahahahah but mahai when he get out also quite scary so all also peet. After see kuai lou naked n all oso sien d so go dry up wah i instant kena ear infection somehow water go so fucking deep...cb loh cannot hear edi...then all oso balik. some wanna go wallk around buy tidbits so mouse nickson n 1 go bathe first..finish edi they all havent come back so...wait a while they all come back loh we tell them we go buy some shit eat later at least gamble /watch football can eat lah then go out

Outside opposite hotel got some shops we buy thing makan then nickson wan buy something special for someone special so magehai go walk summore loh then see nearby got ikan bakar wah must come here later eat d syok then walk walk summore he cannot find anything right so we all peet go back. Then juz open door to room see they all quite happy dunno why all laughing over there so they told us they watched porn. wah here hotel got ah? i ask maybe they can get it on tv but they said it's in joule's camera??? wtf so he flipped it open and we watched...wah lan eh KNNCCB!! it's wei sheng!! fuck u all lah although now got something to make sure he return all d money but mahai we got nightmare for a long time leh.

Evening all go beside hotel got like call rice n eat i so call 7 dishes food there quite keng...dunno call what edi i update later...d food nyamahai finish fucking fast there got small kid minicycle so ride abit for 5 then sien d ....we have to go joule's place makan summore they prepare steamboat wah terpaksalah. so mahai so fucking near need to take taxi/van abit fucking potong steam..then chill abit walk up see wah all of us can drive woh might as well.....

All also mahai rent bike go cycle to joule's place mahai 2 bucks 1 hour ok lah at least can have so fun...along the way the place like quite suck not much light so if gg also not cos car bang either motor or u kena hole. anyways it's the leader of d pack gg first at least others can avoid so i stayed at the back loh. wah at the back also quite scary if go jing ying ying / lonely road cb kia they all wanna go so fast summore. About 9 reach d place again then watch tv abit then makan AGAIN wah knn no need play football d play rugby or amelican football can lah but the food there nice but totally gg for gene cos 80% all cai so cb loh.

After a can of beer terpaksa go lah 11 oclock our bike payment gg so we all take pics then head back hotel. joule n cwen go tong po so fucking far away we gg 1st go put back d bike then chill. masuk hotel oso feel nice but all very d fucking careful d scared bathe cos cb door got hole knn. i so d fucking full they soon go out eat ikan bakar wah i confirm gg so stay back kau lan. wah lan eh inside seibei anything oso cannot do watch tv also cannot suddenly no show all mc shows so pei kau for few hours wait for them come back then start my losing gambling spree. mch!! give them free money also better. can win starting but later lose back then wanna try inbetween try win big...NYAMASENG no more fucking bet/gamble edi i know i fucking suay so fuck it lah nickson u win quite alot mana breakfast cb!!?? ur bday must fking cheng us all d cb

sheng so fucking fast gg sleep so i fucking kick him outta my bed say u fucking go upstairs to ur room now i wanna gg so i gg loh they all watch champions league cb. [fuck d trilogy 3rd day nothing syok happen so cb lah] Suddenly like no dream no shit like 1 sec later keen wake me up say woi we have to gg now cos 11.00 edi must check out edi mch!! so pack shit n all fucking stinking shirts in the closet pukimak salt water then all chow loh. we all take taxi/van go back to our barracks near d jetty village then go makan lunch there then all d ppls go buy stuff/food so i nothing to do pei kau at the side of they street. then all meet up jetty then go back setiawan then makan at 1 place got seibei lotta flies from fcking hell but lam meen so fucking d keng! must go there next time ask the 8 i oso dunno where so after that all gg in car return to gg life.

11/21/2005 Edit My famooz Red Mistubishi Evo 3 returns, road users; GG
Thee Lord Jooneth View Delete
WAH WAH....Today almost late for class..I set alarm clock on my komputer so i leave my geng hai speaker on n volume put loud kao kao ( mahai 5.1 set leh,, got five fucking satellite speaker and one fucking big woofer..can bark like german shepard man, confirm germany also can hear ) . But dunoo ar..some motherfucker MG have chatroom at 1.00am MAHAI. The msn go BELUP-BOOp,BElup-boop..sound like computer fart only, make me fart also..damn smelly.
1177 BELUp-boop,beluo-boop.. Archerlly at first quite happy, i think hmm.maybe some chick messaging me.So i get up go see, mahai a bunch of gay fuck nothing to do but fucker talking cock.
U all wake me up to see conversation like ,
Keen : pei football......
Stone : HAHA, basketball
Joule : meh si..I cant LIFE without..without mat chat edi,,basketball!
Keen : I cant live without ...uh..sotongball
joule : Diu, i cant LIFE without Yi peng..( KNNBCCB HAHAHA! )
stone : GG...GG>>GG
I see also cannot tahan..i press the mute button den go back sleep ( but how to sleep? fucking dream also lame one..i want leng dream where i can kiss caresss hot celebirty girl.but..HOW?). Mute the fucking alarm of off??? Lucky i manage wake up on my own , *i dunoo how also, maybe my brain really wan me go college..scary wei * . AHhaha den meperalatkan sengcheong the noob fetch me go college..actually got alot car one. Tengkew la mouse..

p.s . Fuck world religion la..present what chinese holiday?? lanjiao la..i know how many year-la , cheng beng-la, cheng teng -la , ah beng-la.....
p.s.s Fuckkkkk kennenoob laa...dun listen in dota think so geng but actaully suck like kena lucky fuck&suck by samy vellu *hope u drive on samy vellu builded bridge den die *
p.s.s.s Yah..juz now drive my red evo..damn power..damn noisy..damn fast, so fast until breakfast ..
P.S.S.S.S OFF LAH!!.... HAHA u think wad summore? PISS OFF>!!, get life read other shit or take a shit..

tsencai View Delete
OK! THERE'S two different type of meaning when it comes to using the GG acronym. For example.......

this basically means you have gg-ed the accounts exam. it's so dead simple adn easy i can tfk while i do the fricken exam. GG INDEED.


Trial balance balance sheet monetary duality legal entity profit and loss statement statement of financial performance, statemet of financial position statement of financial cash flows bank reconciliation WTFBBQ OMFG ALL THE STUFF SOUND ALL THE SAME@#*(&@# I GET ALL SO SCREWD AND CONFUSED SHIT LA I SERIOUSLY GG LOR FOR THIS ACCOUNTS PAPER..

aye lucky i dun plan to major in accounts. my exam starts tmr at exactly 1140 hours. wish me gl hf. i'll need all i can get.


11/21/2005 Edit DEM CHAT SIEN!! #%((@&%$ Accounts!!!
maaanggoo View Delete
KNNB! Today day no 6 i pei hai at home with nth to do. Chow cibai exams........everyone finish d!! Left me bcos the nabeh ppl muz put accounts paper RIGHT AT THE FUCKING END!! THEY think NEED 6 DAYS meh!!! If chem or bio nvrm la! ACCOUNTS!! Everything kenot balance! Call balan-singh come and balance lar. Sumore all the ppl who finish exam come kacau me!! Pei arr!! My last paper was on wed! Thought can go chilling abit.......but no........ mz study accounts. Dem potong stim.......go eat ice cream potong aso beta. Nvrm nvrm...... 1 more day....... Lucky.....I think i forgot how all the M.G. ppl look like d. I dem long nvr see the outside world.......i think if study sumore i will have fa ru xue. Tmr my exam in the freaking big cold hall sumore! Like winter sonata. Muz bring my hei se mao yi. I hope my mind don blank like the mouse....... tonite sleep don wear blanket......then mind wont blank. LAST PAPER TMR! GG!!

11/21/2005 Edit Nah CB..mY FirST blOG LA....KNN
mouse View Delete
CCB...Sei HH..EveryTime Say i join blog for farks ar.nvr post...NAH..NOW I FUCKING POST.....CB..PEI LIKE HAI day 2DAY...StUpid Cb day..MOndAY already..Why SO FAst MOnday...Who DA FARK nAme da DAys WAn...After SUndaY shuD bE MOONdaY mA..CHOW HAI..another HOLYDAY LA....must wake up so 7 early..while doin my morning shit i tersleep somemore...Let the shit slide out oni..CaO hAi ar...NVm NVm...still thought was a GOod DAy...nyA MA...THe DAy staRteD to Turn BAd So EARly IN da MOrning...JOON fuCKIng CALL adi...saY muZ piCk his FuCKin ASS up...WTF...HE Got SO manY fuCKing CArs ...sTIll need The NOob MOuse PICk hiM UP mEh...CBBBBBBBBB...Nvm NVm...Go MAthS CLASs..PEi There..sEe the FUCking GraNDfATher TEach..So 7 nyAnyuk adi still want to teach..let student teach him back..thE SMaRT nGiam CHun ar..alwAyZ teACh him wan.... TIu..TIu...Tiu..kenot teach go sleeep la..nVM nVM..Den I GOt BREAk...U thINK verY SYOK ar Break..bREak = StUDY for toDAY..coz got CB FIZIK test..nya wif fwens so 7 confident..can TEach PPL somemore..WOOyooo..mouse so geng leh...mahAi..I tTHOUght I sure GET 100 FArking EASY...nYA MA...WHEn TEsT TIME..CCB KNN MCH MCB....the fUCking question come out same wan..FIRSt FIRST i so hAPPY..NYA MA...MY MIND GO BLANK like a clean whiteboard wif speRM all OVEr...KEnot THINK A FUCKin THING..CAO HAI AR..END UP LEAVE ALL BLANK...Knn CB..fROm 100 GO To 50 la ......Sei CB wan..Where GOt SUch Thing AS mind BLANK WAN.... NOW GOt 2 FARking ASSIGNmEnt Muz PASS up TMR wAN buT KEnot Do..COZ hAF to GO FUTSAL..CCB..i noE U ALL holIDAY la..FARkERS.......WAH.... SO StRESS like waNT tO kiCK ur SIsTA's ASS....!!!! chit-chit (peace out)

11/21/2005 Edit WAh!!Zhong Che pt 2
BoooooN View Delete
magehai!!2day zhong che!!!mahai almost same as keen's incident....reverse den..krroonnggGG!!!but luckily nvr bang car...onli bang a knn tiang...tiuniama...u all must hav thought i where got so noob bang tiang...u r absolutely right!!!*#&##@I where got so noob bang tiang wan...come let me tell u the story!! it goes...lets make it short...i wus sleeping on a chair la...sleep nice nice d..cos super tired...den fucking cbkia lorry go HON!!!HON!!!HON!!!...mahai non-stop...cos my mom's car park blocking d way for the lorry put down stuff...but cb..chill la sei lorry lou...cb indian fei hai!!!Hon so freakin many times....den i fucking wake up la...rush rush lidet take my mom's key...sumore jus wake up...pei like fuck...blur blur lidet go in my mom's car...nvr see got tiang behind d car...den inside car dat time kenot see anything behind sumore...tiu la tot got nothin...reverse onli la...cbkia suddenly KrroonggG!!!mahai ah....i tot sure hailat so chat loud the sound....cb straight away cheng san d...den stop car la...check here check dere...ehh luckily one back light spoil onli....but cb also cost 200plus...Fuck!! time government not onli muz tell ppl dun drink n drive....but den DUN SLEEP N DRIVE ALSO!!!

11/20/2005 Edit d pangkor trilogy
HH of GG View Delete
Part 1

That time starting raya holidays jim n joule told me say they both have to go back 1 go pangkor 1 go setiawan might as well some follow then go adventure abit in the island...then tok tok tok kok abit all feel quite syok also go there at least can relax abit....think of it reach there got nice place instantly can feel air cond inviting me to room then sleep abit then go out beach can see chicks then go in yam cha watch football syok giler...then got about 6 other ppls wanna tag along this trip sze ming keen cwen mouse sheng nickson wah not bad at least maybe 2-3 room can sleep nice d.

The night before we go this Simon got belanja makan wah nice lah go there wtf cannot leave then must fucking play with flour summore...ccb come back so 7 late never pack summore cbkia. Next morning all meet my hse 7.00....but 8.00 oni all reach normal la then go 2 car 1 joule drive 1 jim's parents...fucking sleepy still cannot sleep all talk kok all the way there after few hours stop at Bidor...they say opposite kfc got famous amos wan tan mee so try not bad quite keng also...then continue pei till setiawan ...

Suddenly eh this jim's dad say where they go we belok left this joule go straight..cb loh they took the longer way...we stop sekejap at jim's kampung then contd reach jetty got off then go yam the rest they say they eating already somewhere cb kia ... the few of us pei kau there like fuck at indian restaurant nothing to eat also sit there fucking stink of fish smell all the fly think we food knnccb!!! Finally they came...then follow joule's family go naik sampan in jetty then 40 mins reach pangkor dunno cwen n mouse seasick 1....lucky nothing happen then at the jetty this joule's parents keng sou with joule's grandfather(he pangkor d' locale) so wah he settle hotel for us man!! 50 bucks only man!!! keng lah...then we all jump into taxi-van all settle payment edi...jalan jalan ei why the fuck go village area near jetty? go makan ah??

Driver say "Tou lah"

We all think "wah go eat here first ah ok wurt"

Driver say "Nah nah go there your hotel"

"wtf hotel?? where got hotel here"

Suddenly see 1 fucking shoplot got one small hole for stairs on top got small sign say "Ch**n F*o Hotel"

Mahai we go up got 1 fella show us the room...yeah memang 1 fcuking room but knn like a war torn bunker small like hai for us 9 ppls can fit but wtf....50 bucks siong leh this kind of room cbbbbbbb got aircond on also useless lah then got double deck bed cb i go in straight away sneeze like fuck dunno fungus or dust floating quite clean lah but all cannot stand it wanna move out edi since pay d so fucking crash 1 nite only loh... oh cibai!!! got 1 time i sien like fuck roll around at the bed the fucking pillow(hard like fucking batu seremban...luckily my lancheow harder cb) then the fucking place so small summore my head can touch the wall then i strech out my hand try feel the wall...magachauchibai!!!! the fucking wall fucking slimy 1 touch like touching cum like that the problem is dunno whose 1!!! wah lan eh!!!!

Later all eat i think...then change to cheap clothes pay 10 bucks transport go coral bay swim
Mahai that place walk around quite small loaded summore so 7 many ppls there but no chick cb loh kick football also hard cb then nickson go buy frisbee go play abit..see water brown black not bad looks ok wurt go inside quite warm summore....but when terdive put head inside instant GG!!! wah the fucking water salty like fuck!! ham like ham hai/ham ka ling/ham burger ccbbb!!! my ear instant kena infection cbbbbbbb then swim swim abit play around abit all hungry then go back mandi loh.

Beside our forsaken 'shoplot-hotel' got this place sell alotta shit maybe owned by the same owner...there they say got 1 small kid looks like monica 1...cb i wanna take pic show u all they say keng but knn i dunno how to fucking speak mandarin 1 cb now i know how important it is....although i know how to say 'wo ai ni' or point at room say 'tong fong' but cb cannot like that lah sure fucked up fucking pei there at nearby restaurant wait they all bathe...

About 6/7 we all go to joule's grandfather house quite near so we all walk there....wah that place freaking full the house joule's grandparents family aunties uncles and THEIR family all also there wah wait a while chat kok there then makan...jim whole day pei kau oni he abit sick n dun like seafood 1...there they cook for us crab n prawn syok giler....

We all stay there quite long gamble n and i keep fucking losing money 1...cbnya...pei quite long there until 11.00 then walk back to 'hotel' mouse n sze ming cannot tahan they go sleep first rest of us go makan again at nearby malay stall...not bad la food there cheap n nice n got fucking lotta seafood summore i order 1 chinese flied lice inside got sotong n prawn wah keng keng... then this joule reminded us his father wan bring us go snorkelling tomorrow morning 7.30 meet grandfather's house so we terpaksa gg early... i gg onli lah but i heard this keen n sheng n nickson go out buy more food go fucking watch football summore 3.00+ chiseen

11/20/2005 Edit wah lan eh sien like fuck again
HH of GG View Delete
today sleep like fuck wake up sleep again cb bball also lazy go...then go watch football then go ta kei...cb 1 day wasted like fuck. Nyamaseng they all talk so much kok all wanna go next mg trip make tshirt all fuck lah...cb...
tomolo i prepare 1 fucking ham 7 ccb long review on the fucking recent pangkor trip cb...fucking sien read read also need to talk kok go out talk kok meh so fuck around here lah...for fucks...alot maybe hear from ppls how we gg over there on they way there and pics and video summore i dunno how to put oni....if can then next time put in also lah at least can see easy abit
cb no wtf am i gonna do to fucking gg myself so can fucking sleep cbbbbbbbb
oh yeah can some one fucking tell me how to make somekinda fucking poll for mg logo ah...mahai open to all for designing lah so put all pics inside then leave 1 week all vote which one bestest then pick then oni make easier need bring paper to yamcha ..........

11/18/2005 Edit MCH !! ZHONG CHE!!
PuKeeN View Delete
knn.. today fetch bro go tuition.. when i reverse my car out my hse... i wanna kacau my brother so i reverse stop reverse stop... then when i reverse i pecut again... then suddenly " krrekkkrreeekkk" MAGEchauhaI!!! i zhong kau the car opposite my hse... DIU LOR!! then i 55 chau lou fetch my brother to tuition 1st..MAHAI.. when i reach home that fucking bitch waiting outside edi.. NIAMAGEHAI!!! cb ... then i tell that bitch to wait for my father onli settle with her..KNN..fucking bitch lar her mch everytime park kau her lanjiao car outside make me fucking hard to reverse..then evening when my father cum back say pay her 350 leng leng edi... but then at nite MAGEChAoCHIBAI!!! WTF!! she came back with 3 pat po n another guy n say they wan 400 bucks... knn.. think we so fucking rich meh.. that time my mother in hospital sumore... my father pokai liao lor... i shit gold wan ar KNN.. FUCK U LAR BITCH..!! luckily that guy beside her quite nice say cum inside my hse n keng sou.. that fucking bitch shout like a cb chicken outside my hse... MAGEHAI..noisy like fuck..dun make me find 1 cock n fuck kau her..KNN.. STFU lar..!! mch!! my father cannot tahan so pay her 400 bucks..mch.. now my family pokai edi muz berjimat - cermat abit..

11/17/2005 Edit arm pain like kena acid rain
Thee Lord Jooneth View Delete fucking wake up hand pain like fuck, must be yesterday forget do god's strength before carry dumdumbell. Cannot even put my hand straight , how d fuck to tfk liddet!?
Reach down for my wee wee also pain., summore in the morning got double pain..i reach down for wee wee is pain.., pee also pain cuzz dick so damn hard from arm pain..pain like peeing out acid only.
Den at nite dota. AGAIN..mch 1st time losing team lose like pants loose..
Confirm becuz we let blady kayuara boy in d team,duno somehow i think 3 ppl in losing team is maximus seximus liao..Also..nickson fiat pinto damm sckk.., but his car special unique until nobody ask , lei ge che hai pin-to? AHHAHAH, next time snake..hide behind bush like a real snake laa..

11/16/2005 Edit review: ledang
HH of GG View Delete
continue sat. story...mch friday night cannot sleep lie down 5 hours straight still cannot sleep count sheep count sex pose count chicks count 'cb geog' also cannot finally 1.00 go try read chem
wah suddenly damn fucking sleepy but go sleep cannot still...2.45 have to wake up sleep for fucks
pei until my brain also ma pei edi so go pack stuff wait fren fetch reach there unload wait for other ppls...wah pei like hai

finally bus come 4.00 charter 1 ... cb per person 50++ bucks but inside nice lah cannot sleep still the fucking head rest straight 1 cb dun put better..pei for another few hours in the fucking bus finally 7.00 reach some cb kelapa sawit plantation go in also slow like fuck...reach somekinda place look like orang asli stay 1 but people there all wear nike and adidas wtf go buy proper house better

we all hire 3 guides ... got small briefing say got 8 checkpoint total then one fella told us on checkpoint 6 got kfc i like wa wtf up there can rest and eat keng hai start walking up and up after 2 hours reach checkpoint 4 got kolam there i seibei pei kau like fucking rock near stream no difference other ppls wet girls go snake snake snake then some decided want to stay there rest of day others continue go up so i follow go up also pei there for fucks

walk through jungle from hell climb so 7 high d like no fucking ending 1...another 2 hours we reach checkpoint 5 near end d then --- eh fucking remember something...where the fuck is that restaurant?? we ask guide then he point above say right there lah we all like wtf u joke kok ah he say no....this is kfc lah also called 'killing field centre' ... i also like wtf kill kok ah here...then pusing pusing abit reach one fucking place HOLY FUCK the place like normal place oni dirt and tree root holding dirt but even 1 fucking step is like house step put 5 together no use hand cannot climb...climb sanfu like fuck ask him got how much more to go he say 1 hour more climb lah so in brain scream fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk all the way....

near end checkpoint 6 got 1 small place rest lucky got some ppls coming down a narrow gua one way oni...see hole also know ppls like me can fit through this kenneth sure stuck one... all the way up starting there use rope d cb kia no bring gloves sure ham 7 lucky some rope got knots. climb climb climb ei no more gua got wtf is that one fucking chunky hunky funky slab rock from hell almost vertical cannot see ending also nyama u ask me climb that shit ah just now nevermind got rope memang whole way no safety shit u slip at least u hit some rock can land maybe 20 feet away head smashed also at least body can find...this one CIMAKAN 1 time slip or u un-fucking-lucky rope break confirm GG body also fucking hard to find loh.

so lucky we all never end up as mountain kill add to statistic just up there got small place rest checkpoint 7... then group leader say shit no time must go down d then makahai cb come all the way cannot go top...then he say ask one guy go run up to 1 hour time that guy job go take pic with wmu flag...he ask us who confident can go 1 oni go halfway no fucking stop turn back so some of us diulanmagahai emmsun so fucking die also want to follow lah...

wah lan eh this part hardest cb kia almost have to run all the way top sleep like fuck my stamina like fuck but can reach finally...Nyama where the fuck is the puteri??? all there got 1 sign say take care of nature (wtf) and 1 more like 1 small stone pillar like mini mountain dick sticking up to the sky cb fucking spoil the top down look...mebbe it's the puteri's tomb dun care just stand on top of it took some pics....up there view afternoon also nice like genting like that guide say come early start 2.00 am then reach top 7.00 catch sunrise best for snaking hold girlfren watch sun cb i think if i get 1 also sure refuse to fucking walk all the way up 1...we all take some pics then start go down asap...
nyama from top look like gonna rain run down again reach checkpoint 7 rendezvous with others together go down ... reach 7.00pm like that siong like fuck gg sleep the way back

Pros: NO fucking leech/cb kia fatal insect, drinkable stream water, camping place nice location, top view from fucking hell
Cons: they say harder than kinabalu, halfway got restaurant, no safety no shit, who can fit through mini cave can go top, got small snake
Difficulty: this ok la IF you don plan 1 fucking day for it...go up halfway camp then continue better

11/15/2005 Edit create blog = GG
o' wen View Delete
seriously....creating a blog is harder than killin medusa wit skadi, 2 rapier(shift+enter GG), butterfly, BKB....damn chat fucking farn....every blog name and title of blog i type is not available...almost GG like blocking me from creating blog...back to medusa...yesterday i used LUNA...damn happy edi use keng hero....but then opponent got snakeking...MEDUSA...tot can play my luna moonrider can kill hero wan....after 30 mins...medusa earned 1 skadi...GG...medusa see my like seeing luna color pencil....i cast my ulti on him...full dmg still kenot droppin mooncake from the sky...don call eclipse mooncake festival...strees like wearin sister's dress...GG

11/15/2005 Edit ..............
tikus View Delete
its fkin 3 sumthin now and i can't sleep coz i gotta finish my fkin cibai chem syllabus........i dun think got use anyway the paper confirm hard like kukujiao wan....
i realize y i so 7 rush.....friday, saturday, sunday, today all either sleep or dota......
then todayleh....cibai game summore.....sylla nice nice earn bkb edi......then c cwen dknight so keng got tarrasque....summore 4 vs 3.....shld be GG edi rite....but then arr......teammates nvr get bkb......we all too lan7 confident edi....simply play.....nickson skeletonnoob.....joule team counter......kena fuck7 upside down inside out like cibai dog balls onlee......4 ppl team GG in the end.....m sun!!!
now i stuck staring at fuckin formulas frm hell.....cibai silicate....c sarahkate better larr......FUCK LAR NONID SLEEPLAR.........GG!!!


11/13/2005 Edit @#^&*%^@^#@(!!!So d fucking sien!!
BoooooN View Delete
Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!it's Sunday!!normally ppl chillin out wit parents,go shopping,sleep at home,n etc. leh???hav2 jaga shop!!!!waaaaaaa Stressss....jaga nvm...but no fucking thing 2 do!!jus sit down whole day until my ass rot, grow fungus(like sheng)ehehe...Sien like fuck man...darryl Sien also not dat siennn...haihzzz...pls la!!giv me any fucking thing 2 do(except help sheng wit his cb assignment)....waaa!!!dint noe holls so freakin sien...need another vacation man!!

Knnb ar....2day tot got futsal sumore at least can go chill out abit la....Tiu la...dis Uncle S**on ar, cb Conman from *race!!,,con kau our money...dunno pay 10 bucks 4 fucks 1 lj 1hour of futsal onli...3 weeks d dun hav still...tiu him la..everytime got lj excuses...last time say got wat end year sports camp...where???wait until i grow old, got grandchildren d also dun hav...he talk ar...kenot trust heng joon lidet wan...i think dis S**on lazying at home chat Big his tummy...i think he can go Con ppl say he pregnant also can...seriously dem kau big!!sumore he's a Conman...ppl sure kena Con wan...wan2 move also need alot energy...dis time dunno wat lj excuses he givin...sure tok cock 1...he tok so much Cock also nvr get bird flu...vry lucky guy!!

Tiu...330 dota sumore...kenot go..sumone save me pls!!!i kena capture by 2 dementors leh!!!my parents la...den put me in azkaban...tiu damn chat lame...i 2 bored until my brain also feel bored...Fuck!!!Knnbccb....lucky got GG of MG...if not...i also dunno wat will my situation can claim as GG d...another GG experience....aiiiii..ciaola..ohh wait GG la...enough of cock d...

11/11/2005 Edit cb weekend!!
HH of GG View Delete
today wake up take off shirt look at mirror magechauhai wtf!!! my whole shoulder skin peel off like a fucking snake shedding cb flaky skin nevermind but flake like fucking cornflake snowflake so 7 alot look like black chocolate forest cake
try n take off also 7 hard like cb dried glue have to rub like fuck rub rub rub i oso steam 1st before i can fucking remove all cb
today friday day ending in fucking 6 hours more cb have to sleep edi knnccb!! homework oso lazy do cant do much shit now cbbbbbb
whatkinda fuckshit how to fucking sleep at 7-8.00??? eat one whole bottle of sleeping pills die of overdose also cannot cb sleep lah...mahai must use reverse psychology drink 1 fucking cup of coffee put 3 tablespoon nescafe confirm can!! gg gg gg

11/11/2005 Edit 1 HOUR SEND 1 SONG!! GG!!!
maaanggoo View Delete
Its 2am........and the fucking blue server hais r blue-ing. Leave me here wif this gay blog. I wana chow but sending songs to the plumbum nick. Ban ga si. I think his com like him......send song 1 hour later onli receive. Fuck blueserver la.......all go eat blueberry pie onli. Go watch into the blue. blue blue blue. Today SAM got cibai maths exam. The sei paper they make until so knn ccb hard. GG. Then cannot sleep the night be4 cos studying. Halfway do zzzz. GG. SAM result? GG again. pukimak. After that went netm to dota. Expected to see onli1 or 2 person pei hai there. but had alot of ppl woh! Woi the sampah now shud go plan the next M.G trip!! After delay delay then all the hotels let ppl book! then we got to squeeze 20 ppl in one room like the png trip! When go home all confirm become gay. Finally the thing finish sending! Dem lan 7 kun sing!! GG!!!

11/10/2005 Edit what the fuckshit
HH of GG View Delete
What kind of fuckshit is this??? even i dunno who the fuck posted these few i know the lastest one is from joon but magehai u all dun fucking know how to fucking make an account and fucking tell me ah? now u fucking post all from my fucking name oni fucking 7 smart .... dunno who the fuck spread the fucking password like fucking wildfire

11/10/2005 Edit First MG-GG blog from GG cafe .
HH of GG View Delete
fuckk.....I wake up today from yesterday's pei hai Xhero siege with fucking noob wai keen and blady lagger nickson, fuck dem both la..waste chat my time i tot cna play until we GG but cheebai, we kena fuck frontside , bekside , sideside and also underside by fucking creeep..

I pump chat so many tomes drink chat so many potion , eat antibiotic summre but my cibai ear stilll red n infected like lancheow. mahai , GooGle - or short GGle say my ear can fucking kena perichrondititis . Nabeh leh.. this fucking diasease can make my ear GG la,., den look like fish only. Mahai where got human got no ear one? NO fucking ear how to hear nice words such as "come fuck me now", "fucking noob"and worse of all " GG "

Altho my ear so chat fuck & still so pei from yesterday blue..magehai , kena call go makan n play dota 11.00 !.AHHAHA no prob for me one ma... I GG on tuesday n thursday..fucking nice. Other ppl got class, study stupid book kena fuck lecturer in the bekside n frontside but i can stay home and sampah.

WAH FUCK...before i forget muz mention yesterday sohai coutng number n sucking lemon game.Mahai ,, we pla d stupid number game , den if lose must suck on a farkin lemon(SAME ONE SUMORE) st.den faisal suck..den sheng joule suck/..den when my turn come...Fuck loh..GG.Then i now also know...this sohai weisheng fuckin dumb.. he complain damn alot work to do. But what he dp 3.30 online?? MAHAI writing blog!?? Cheebai..he liddet his marks confirm..ah-hah..u know wad lahh.. GG LAH. How ironic hor? he study economics which is the science of allocationg resources, but dunoo how allocate his his Noobrubian Asssasin only...haihh.. I type this kinda of blog also juz insulted my dignity.

-Pizza out-

11/10/2005 Edit NIAMA!!! I GG D!!!!
HH of GG View Delete
FUCK MAN...u all wanna know what is a fuckin classic example of GG!! its fuckin 340am now and i'm still fuckin doing my assignment..not any normal cheebyekia assignment is a fuckin scary 2000words ECONOMICS assignment!!! mahai..the lecture also hard to understand d..the lanchiau test even harder to u tell me...the assignment can go kau lan d!! seriously..!! juz fuckin take own lanciau and pakchiewcheng....the cum on the paper..!! sure confirm get A for A LOT OF CUM!!! niama...2000words leh...1st time i do so 7 long punya assignment! wan to copy paste from website also..the cheebye website also not enuff fuckin words!! Then this is 1st time i see so many blardi words in my life!!!!! WAH LAN EH....i tink today i durno read how 7 many sources...ALL in words...fuck the stupid scholars la..SMART my backside la..durno how to make summary from hell muz write a fuckin 42 page report on a sohai cibai topic!! u tell me..which dumb fuck will read all 42 pages!? i think those dumbfuck scholars also copy and paste wan laa.kaninibuchauchibai.!!! i also can copy paste copy paste and make 1million words for u la let u read until hailat...kenot make illustration some comic or picture or some boh cheng sah punya woman la!! at least got something to relax the fuckin eye...
i tell u...i now fuckin tau tia bcoz of too much words d....SUMMORE THE BEST FUCKIN THING IS HAFTO PASS THE FUCKIN NIAMA PUKI CHAUCHEEBYE NIASENG HAMCHAT DICKFUCKPUSSY ASSIGNMENT TOMOLO!!!!.....farkkkkkkkkkkkkk.!!!!!!!!!!!!! GG!!!

*tengtengteng**CNN prime time music on the background*
*speaking : once again..another classic example of fuckin GG ladies and gentleman*

11/10/2005 Edit ...
PuKeeN View Delete

11/09/2005 Edit GG
HH of GG View Delete
some may wonder wtf is gg can see all use gg here gg there wtf is that...
gg got lotta meaning but here it is an acronym for "good game"
for gg and also mg, we use gg for allota things eg:
i swim, i see big wave coming, i look at it and say "shit gg loh"
Sam sees his friend bring girlfriend to his ex's party so he says "that fucker gg edi lah"
i walk alone in dark road if i lucky i see ghost but if i not lucky i is confirm GG.
i noob driver i skid i everything goes blur but i see i heading for tree and since i no time say "so fucking gg loh 200kmph hit tree shit also fly out lah" i terpaksa shout and i go "GG!!!!!!!!!!!!"

11/09/2005 Edit fucking posts
HH of GG View Delete
knnccb y'all post at least leave some/any fucking shit to indicate who u are la like ur initials (keen dont you fucking dare put ur initials as initial D i fuck 7 u)
lucky today no exams...come back everyday sure headache 1... must fucking go out again 8.30 wanna sleep abit also cannot .....


11/09/2005 Edit DOTA!!!DOTA!!!DOTA!!!
HH of GG View Delete
ccb keen!!...pukeenmak la...CON kau me go dota 7 early sumore...fine la go there den...FIVE ppl Onli!!!Lek Kau 3v2 dota!!Fui fun man...nvr had so fun playin dota b4....tiulei la...Wah sumore futsal nvr wear shoe...get fucking big blister from hell....dem kau lj dat clutch..WAHHH!!!shiok kena poke backside...haihh...fuck chat boring....duwan write d la...GG la...fucking lanjiao blogsite...1 lanjiao day sure kena ban...GG man!!

11/09/2005 Edit HOT LIKE FUCK!!!!
HH of GG View Delete
magehai.... 12.30 edi.. dunno why so cat fucking assam laksa oso sweat like cibai wet pundek ... PUN LIAMA KE DEKDEK!!!!! HOT!! SWT

11/09/2005 Edit weakening
HH of GG View Delete
today ah...sleep like fuck oni like i becoming somekinda weak shit bear/sloth or whatever wah lan eh cannot tahan i think sure die young lahsuddenly ken msg got futsal at 4 follow them go kick abit not even 10 mins fall instantly injured knn wah cb my leg is some fuckshit kick abit injure 1 place kick again injure another no need play any form of fucking ball for a long time edi lah
1177 also feel weak like shit like already 80 waiting to die soon mebbe not enough sleep/ eat wrong / tfk too much dunno wtf is wrong also here pain there pain fuck lah die also more comfortable
wah think of it this saturday 2.00 am must fucking wake up go climb mountain... this geog class need us go trip alot vote go kuali rafting but i pokai shit no money 1 and others wanna save some cash vote go climb mountian...didnt know so freaking high 5 hours up another 5 down so must wake up so 7 early climb some shit mountain gunung ledang...if the legendary chick is there i 10 hours stare kau kau at her and climb i dun mind but wtffff

11/08/2005 Edit pukeen
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cbcbcb.. korean show = GG !! lan cheaw " april snow"... april lanjiao got lar!!!! fucking slow motion show.. at 1st i thought cartoon sumore.. cb friend nvr tell me nicely.. MCH!!!! kena con like cibai pop corn... sumore the cibai show like some fucking cibai show for all the deaf hais to watch wan.. nvr talk wan.. even they talk oso muz stare cock at each other for 5 minutes onli can talk.. dun talk better!!! go hav sex oso better... sexy sexer sexing .....the time watching the show past cb slow sumore... like watching 5 hours show liddet .. too cat boring.. mahai.. i can go back hometown eat asam laksa n rojak then come back oso haven finish yet ..niaseng.. on the way back home i drive like tok hoi(initial d).fuiyoo.!!! . coz i mm sun the cb show... release kau lan cat my fucking stresssssssssssss.... sumore i listening to my techno king cd... too HIGH until must drive cibai fast...FUCK!!! im going to skool my fucking self.. coz all my friend mou yi hei + mou lan yong ( no friends oso better)... i too cat boring at home thats y i go skool... lanjiao friend stay at home dunno do wat cock... tafeikei oso can ta after skool lar... haizz.. go skool 1 man show.. show my lanjiao to every1 in skool... i taking report card sumore... chou hai ar.. result = shit.. confirm kena tiu if my mother go take.. tiu in front of the class sumore....tiutiutiutiu.. wah ,.. sien like hai... type all these lan jiao shits... GG lar...GG GG GG.... mch!!! all fucking bluers go fix kau ur lan jiao com can ar.. mahai... no one blue with me ..1177 blue myself.. like eating blueberrycake... blue ranger...bluetooth..niamaseng... sien like hai.....GG GG GG..

11/08/2005 Edit testing 7 fast cr8 1
HH of GG View Delete
Wtf is this fuckshit...mahai this keen 1177 bored i cr8 this place let him post kok...mebbe let others post their shits also see how
im a fucking NOOB fucking blog cannot see shit 1

11/08/2005 Edit GG of MG
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